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Title IX Reporting Information

How do I report Title IX Sexual Harassment?

If you are in an emergency situation that requires medical, psychological, or police services, call 911. Do not use the reporting methods below if you need an immediate response.

Any person who believes that they or another person has experienced sexual discrimination, harassment, misconduct or violence should immediately report the alleged acts to:

  • any Blinn Employee or Resident Assistant (RA)
  • any Blinn Campus Police Officer
  • any Blinn Counselor or Nurse (or staff) (CONFIDENTIAL)

Violations may also be reported via:

  • Title IX Reporting Form
  • Title IX Hotline at 979-830-4700
  • Title IX Email at,
  • in person or by using the online reporting form above. You have the option to fill in your contact information or submit the report anonymously. Reports submitted anonymously may limit our ability to follow up on an incident. Once a report is submitted online, a copy is emailed to the Title IX Coordinator for appropriate review and necessary action.

All Employees/RAs/Campus Police Officers who receive a report must disclose all information to the Title IX Coordinator/Specialist.

Such a report may be made at any time, including during non-business hours, by using the telephone number or email address, or by mail to the office address, listed for the Title IX Coordinator.

EXCEPTION - A person who holds a professional license requiring confidentiality, such as a counselor or nurse, or who is supervised by such a person shall not be required to disclose a report of prohibited conduct without the student’s consent.

Complainants are strongly encouraged to report violations and have the right to report violations without further participation in any investigation.

Retaliation for reporting Title IX incidents is strictly prohibited.